
In reply to this conservation:
Paul Kinlan
What happened to Web Intents?… - **my personal** recollection and thoughts only 3 years late
Rich T
@glennjones Called it how I saw it back then. Was still surprised when it didn't just ship, warts and all, though. @Paul_Kinlan
@richtibbett I was also surprised did not ship. I still think some of use cases are valid, reading @Paul_Kinlan postmortem call was right
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Paul Kinlan
@glennjones @richtibbett oh yeah, I was surprised too, but we had also burnt a lot of cycles on it and didn't get amazingly far
Rich T
@glennjones @Paul_Kinlan FWIW here's my post-morterm the (mostly UX) concerns listed…. All APIs are *hard*.
Paul Kinlan
@richtibbett @glennjones huh, I think I missed that mail. Obv happy to help.

In reply to this conservation:
Paul Kinlan
What happened to Web Intents?… - **my personal** recollection and thoughts only 3 years late
@paul_kinlan nice write up and lots learned, so in summary @richtibbett quote on the home page of : )
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Rich T
@glennjones Called it how I saw it back then. Was still surprised when it didn't just ship, warts and all, though. @Paul_Kinlan
Glenn Jones
@richtibbett I was also surprised did not ship. I still think some of use cases are valid,  reading @Paul_Kinlan postmortem call was right
Glenn Jones
@richtibbett @Paul_Kinlan browser API designs is very hard to get right, look at AppCache
Paul Kinlan
@glennjones @richtibbett oh yeah, I was surprised too, but we had also burnt a lot of cycles on it and didn't get amazingly far
Paul Kinlan
@glennjones @richtibbett also, I dont think the Android intent ecosystem is as used as people think it is. Most inter apps is just SEND
Paul Kinlan
@glennjones @richtibbett the rest is functionality of the system.
Rich T
@glennjones @Paul_Kinlan FWIW here's my post-morterm the (mostly UX) concerns listed…. All APIs are *hard*.
Paul Kinlan
@richtibbett @glennjones huh, I think I missed that mail. Obv happy to help.

What happened to Web Intents?… - **my personal** recollection and thoughts only 3 years late

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Matt Gaunt
@Paul_Kinlan you're not still bangin' on about it are ya *Runs and Hides*
Paul Kinlan
@BrendanEich @jaffathecake @sickingj @fabricedesre I managed to catch up briefly with Jonas at last years IO and we chatted ever so breifly
Pearl Chen
@Paul_Kinlan Great post-mortem. I thought about Web Intents last month (can't remember the context) and did wonder what happened to it...
Paul Kinlan
@gauntface it's like a dagger through my heart.
Matt Gaunt
Paul Kinlan
@PearlChen yeah, it has come up quite a lot recently.....
Paul Kinlan
@PearlChen @ade_oshineye loves to tell everyone about it when I meet them :)
Paul Kinlan
@ben_a_adams login via open ID would have worked perfectly (I had some demos)
Pearl Chen
@Paul_Kinlan I think I was thinking of Web Intents when I was wishing "web apps" could be written in something other than JS.
Paul Kinlan
Ben Adams
@Paul_Kinlan but you often do now: Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Telco, various others...
Ben Adams
@Paul_Kinlan I'd agree, but now people are starting to use email as id they are limiting openid providers to ones which verify email
Pearl Chen
@Paul_Kinlan Well, all good ideas are old ideas with a twist so I'm sure this won't be the last I hear of it.
Dan Brickley
@Paul_Kinlan thanks for writing that up re web intents, super useful...
Thomas Steiner
@Paul_Kinlan One of the most honest and most useful postmortems I have read so far. Huge props for writing it!
Dave Methvin
@Paul_Kinlan Now I feel guilty for not doing something like this more often. Thank you for lessons learned.
Paul Kinlan
@ben_a_adams on payments... I thought about this a lot and it never felt right for the user to be able to choose provider.
Paul Kinlan
@tomayac thanks. much appreciated. It's been 'done' for a while, i just had chance to finish it today :) hope it helps/
Ben Adams
@Paul_Kinlan authenticate/login; pay always seemed intent things, never squared the circle on the how as it would need some preapproval?
Paul Kinlan
@davemethvin not a problem, thanks for reading.
Ben Adams
@Paul_Kinlan main issue is each one needs a different integration to be done before it can be offered as a choice (preapproval of choices)
Dan Brickley
Paul Kinlan
@glennjones @richtibbett oh yeah, I was surprised too, but we had also burnt a lot of cycles on it and didn't get amazingly far
Glenn Jones
Paul Kinlan
@glennjones @richtibbett also, I dont think the Android intent ecosystem is as used as people think it is. Most inter apps is just SEND
Adewale Oshineye
Paul Kinlan
@glennjones @richtibbett the rest is functionality of the system.
Rich T
@glennjones Called it how I saw it back then. Was still surprised when it didn't just ship, warts and all, though. @Paul_Kinlan
Rich T
@glennjones @Paul_Kinlan FWIW here's my post-morterm the (mostly UX) concerns listed…. All APIs are *hard*.
Glenn Jones
@richtibbett I was also surprised did not ship. I still think some of use cases are valid,  reading @Paul_Kinlan postmortem call was right
Paul Kinlan
@richtibbett @glennjones huh, I think I missed that mail. Obv happy to help.
Brian Blakely
@Paul_Kinlan Thanks for this. Now even iOS has Extensions, so I hope the Web's pen-holders stop hiding behind the aegis of "well, URLs."
Razvan Caliman
Yes! Start with convincing use cases. It bit us with CSS features too. “@Paul_Kinlan: What happened to Web Intents?…"
Glenn Jones
@richtibbett @Paul_Kinlan browser API designs is very hard to get right, look at AppCache
Ido Green
What happened to Web Intents?… - It could be better for the web platform to have it. Thx @Paul_Kinlan for the efforts.
Joe Simpson
@paul_kinlan use case i can think of immediately is picking a cloud provider or authorisation provider (aka OpenID)
Paul Kinlan
@danbri hope it is helpful for more projects.

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Only just started playing with Service Worker API, but I am liking the way the interface is designed and I feel in control unlike AppCache
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