

Just finished reading "Conversational Design" by Erika Hall, researching existing works on designing linguistic user interfaces, i.e., AI chat interfaces. Reading Notes
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Swarm trap I made a few Saturdays ago caught a big swarm of bees. Well happy, now all I need to do is move them!
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What happened to Web Intents?… - **my personal** recollection and thoughts only 3 years late

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Matt Gaunt
@Paul_Kinlan you're not still bangin' on about it are ya *Runs and Hides*
Paul Kinlan
@BrendanEich @jaffathecake @sickingj @fabricedesre I managed to catch up briefly with Jonas at last years IO and we chatted ever so breifly
Pearl Chen
@Paul_Kinlan Great post-mortem. I thought about Web Intents last month (can't remember the context) and did wonder what happened to it...
Paul Kinlan
@gauntface it's like a dagger through my heart.
Matt Gaunt
Paul Kinlan
@PearlChen yeah, it has come up quite a lot recently.....
Paul Kinlan
@PearlChen @ade_oshineye loves to tell everyone about it when I meet them :)
Paul Kinlan
@ben_a_adams login via open ID would have worked perfectly (I had some demos)
Pearl Chen
@Paul_Kinlan I think I was thinking of Web Intents when I was wishing "web apps" could be written in something other than JS.
Paul Kinlan
Ben Adams
@Paul_Kinlan but you often do now: Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Telco, various others...
Ben Adams
@Paul_Kinlan I'd agree, but now people are starting to use email as id they are limiting openid providers to ones which verify email
Pearl Chen
@Paul_Kinlan Well, all good ideas are old ideas with a twist so I'm sure this won't be the last I hear of it.
Dan Brickley
@Paul_Kinlan thanks for writing that up re web intents, super useful...
Thomas Steiner
@Paul_Kinlan One of the most honest and most useful postmortems I have read so far. Huge props for writing it!
Dave Methvin
@Paul_Kinlan Now I feel guilty for not doing something like this more often. Thank you for lessons learned.
Paul Kinlan
@ben_a_adams on payments... I thought about this a lot and it never felt right for the user to be able to choose provider.
Paul Kinlan
@tomayac thanks. much appreciated. It's been 'done' for a while, i just had chance to finish it today :) hope it helps/
Ben Adams
@Paul_Kinlan authenticate/login; pay always seemed intent things, never squared the circle on the how as it would need some preapproval?
Paul Kinlan
@davemethvin not a problem, thanks for reading.
Ben Adams
@Paul_Kinlan main issue is each one needs a different integration to be done before it can be offered as a choice (preapproval of choices)
Dan Brickley
Paul Kinlan
@glennjones @richtibbett oh yeah, I was surprised too, but we had also burnt a lot of cycles on it and didn't get amazingly far
Glenn Jones
Paul Kinlan
@glennjones @richtibbett also, I dont think the Android intent ecosystem is as used as people think it is. Most inter apps is just SEND
Adewale Oshineye
Paul Kinlan
@glennjones @richtibbett the rest is functionality of the system.
Rich T
@glennjones Called it how I saw it back then. Was still surprised when it didn't just ship, warts and all, though. @Paul_Kinlan
Rich T
@glennjones @Paul_Kinlan FWIW here's my post-morterm the (mostly UX) concerns listed…. All APIs are *hard*.
Glenn Jones
@richtibbett I was also surprised did not ship. I still think some of use cases are valid,  reading @Paul_Kinlan postmortem call was right
Paul Kinlan
@richtibbett @glennjones huh, I think I missed that mail. Obv happy to help.
Brian Blakely
@Paul_Kinlan Thanks for this. Now even iOS has Extensions, so I hope the Web's pen-holders stop hiding behind the aegis of "well, URLs."
Razvan Caliman
Yes! Start with convincing use cases. It bit us with CSS features too. “@Paul_Kinlan: What happened to Web Intents?…"
Glenn Jones
@richtibbett @Paul_Kinlan browser API designs is very hard to get right, look at AppCache
Ido Green
What happened to Web Intents?… - It could be better for the web platform to have it. Thx @Paul_Kinlan for the efforts.
Joe Simpson
@paul_kinlan use case i can think of immediately is picking a cloud provider or authorisation provider (aka OpenID)
Paul Kinlan
@danbri hope it is helpful for more projects.

Using text diff on 'npm ls' to work out module issues with node project. Dependency management problems get less, but never go away
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mike pattinson
@glennjones - really? That threw up some surprising results then!
Glenn Jones
@mikep_cri yes, you see automatic upgrades of modules, but its hard to spot the where the semantic versioning has gone wrong - #geek : )
mike pattinson

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