

In reply to this conservation:
Glenn Jones
Just signed up for ticket to how could I not when my degree was about 3D materials design and craft
Joschi Kuphal 吉
@glennjones Interesting, Glenn! Didn't know that. :)
@jkphl Majored in furniture and minored in ceramics, lots of skills I gained helped me move though information architecture into coding
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Joschi Kuphal 吉

Says it all HTC Sync does not see me phone on USB, yet MacOS and Dropbox pop up windows and fight each to copy my photos
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In reply to this conservation:
Glenn Jones
The slides and lots and lots of @hapijs code examples from @london_JS talk
Tony Hunt
@glennjones @hapijs @london_JS Thanks for this Glenn. Sadly I couldn't make it to the talk. I don't suppose it was recorded too?
@TechnoTone the talk was videoed by @essencedigital who provide venue. @recbot said they are hoping to put it online in the future!
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The slides and lots and lots of @hapijs code examples from @london_JS talk
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Tony Hunt
@glennjones @hapijs @london_JS Thanks for this Glenn. Sadly I couldn't make it to the talk. I don't suppose it was recorded too?
Glenn Jones
@TechnoTone the talk was videoed by @essencedigital who provide venue. @recbot said they are hoping to put it online in the future!

Had a great time talking about @hapijs at @london_JS thanks to @lucamezzalira for invite and everyone who turn up to learn about Hapi
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London JS Community
@glennjones you will always be welcome in this community to talk about @hapijs or anything else! This is also your house mate!

@london_JS has a bigger venue for @hapijs talk. Few more places now available. Working on a new plug-in too show
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Shaver of Yaks
@glennjones @london_JS @hapijs Ahh damn! I'd love to come to that but it when I'm off doing my dive training :(

If your interested in learning about @hapijs I am giving a talk March 15 at @london_JS
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Mike Grabowski

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