
In reply to this conservation:
Ian Forrester
Would be great if @madgex we can talk about that event based social network and maybe using it again or extending it?
Glenn Jones
@cubicgarden Madgex stop work on the backnetwork sites (event soical networking sites) about 3 years ago.
Ian Forrester
@glennjones Would really like to get my hands on the code or something similar if you know anything like it?
@cubicgarden open sourcing it, was not an option. Look at or - they have some of the features
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Ian Forrester

In reply to this conservation:
Ian Forrester
Would be great if @madgex we can talk about that event based social network and maybe using it again or extending it?
@cubicgarden Madgex stop work on the backnetwork sites (event soical networking sites) about 3 years ago.
‐ Also on:
Ian Forrester
@glennjones Would really like to get my hands on the code or something similar if you know anything like it?
Glenn Jones
@cubicgarden open sourcing it, was not an option. Look at or - they have some of the features
Ian Forrester

In reply to this conservation:
Remy Sharp
Thinking about attending @NodeDublin after @EamonLeonard got me excited about the idea.
@rem @NodeDublin looks really interesting and I never been to dublin. Thinking about it myself
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Remy Sharp
@glennjones if I go, I’m leaving on Thursday morning to arrive at 8am, and returning on Friday evening - been away too much.
Remy Sharp
@glennjones it’s the flight times that worry me the most.

In reply to this conservation:
Glenn Jones
What are your reading recommendations for c# developers moving to JavaScript?
@keith_bloom Thanks completely forgot about 'Crockford on JavaScript' video's there great -
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Keith Bloom
@glennjones Yeah. I now have to focus and do some work instead of watching them agian :)

What are your reading recommendations for c# developers moving to JavaScript?
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Kevin Jones
@glennjones Not c# specific, but JavaScript Patterns - Stoyan Stefanov sits on my desk
Glenn Jones
@hutkev JavaScript Patterns - Stoyan Stefanov sits on my desk as well, although find its nod to classic oo patterns a bit forced in places
Keith Bloom
Keith Bloom
Glenn Jones
@keith_bloom Thanks completely forgot about 'Crockford on JavaScript' video's there great -
Keith Bloom
@glennjones Yeah. I now have to focus and do some work instead of watching them agian :)

In reply to this conservation:
Barnaby Walters
@glennjones #b2g and #gaia are fab! Have you played with the simulator yet?
@BarnabyWalters Not yet, but I am going have a go with #b2g simulator. Thinking about poping up to meet-up tonight
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Barnaby Walters
@glennjones I’ve been playing with it and generally I like what I see. Wish I could come to the meetup! Pics pls if you do go :)

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Barnaby Walters
@glennjones #b2g and #gaia are fab! Have you played with the simulator yet?
Glenn Jones
@BarnabyWalters Not yet, but I am going have a go with #b2g simulator. Thinking about poping up to meet-up tonight
Barnaby Walters
@glennjones I’ve been playing with it and generally I like what I see. Wish I could come to the meetup! Pics pls if you do go :)

In reply to this conservation:
Paul Gibbs
@glennjones Hi. I found identengine. The site’s demos no longer seem to work. If I fix it up, should it all still work as far as you know?
@pgibbs No sorry, Google killed the API it used a while back. I am working on a replacement with @chrisnewtn and @premasagar
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Paul Gibbs
@glennjones ah, okay; I look forward to seeing what you come up with!

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