Just finished building the draggables library and uploaded it to its own site. Draggables is a JavaScript library that allows users to exchange data between web sites using drag and drop. It’s heavily based on the HTML5 Drag and Drop and File APIs. It allows data to be exchanged between unrelated sites and between the desktop and a browser.
http://draggables.com/ /> https://github.com/glennjones/draggables/
The project started a few months ago as a small UX experiment, I wanted to explore alternative way for a user to pass data between web sites. Having observed users connect to sites using OAuth without really understanding what exchange of data has taken place, I decided to investigate other metaphors/conventions that might be more transparent. Something that seem more “physical” or “tactile” an interaction, that represented movement and exchange.
Draggables started as a video of an idea and has matured a series of demos that other to explore the use of drag and drop to directly exchange data between web sites.