
Looks like node.js for windows is not there yet. Cannot get jsdom onto Azure… works perfectly on
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Yavor Georgiev
@glennjones jsdom is one of the remaining native modules that don't work on Windows, working on it /cc @gblock
Glenn Block
@theyavor @glennjones it works on windows now, there is a port.
Glenn Block
@theyavor @glennjones there is a version that does not depend on contexify which is native.
Glenn Block
@glennjones @theyavor it works fine via npm as long as you have node-gyp installed. You'll need to push the built module to get it on Azure
Dave Ward
@theyavor @glennjones @gblock Cheerio is a great jsdom alternative on Windows in situations that it does what's needed:
Glenn Jones
@Encosia @gblock Now got microformat-node working on Azure node.js hosting. Moved from JSDom to Cheerio great module
Glenn Block
@glennjones @Encosia great to hear. Been meaning to try out Cheerio. Jsdom does work, you just have to push the pre built binary.

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