

Checked into: Check-in newti new Madgex Friday night pub, cross posting to Twitter to help test my new project in the morning <a class="auto-link" data-shorten="" href=""></a>

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In reply to this conservation:
Glenn Jones
Another beautiful walk across the south downs this morning, hearts feeling lifted :)
Danny Hope
@glennjones that’s very nice but I want to see what you’ve been working on
@yandle don't worry back at my keyboard working hard. Was thinking about some of the UX issues while looking at the countryside.
‐ Also on:
Danny Hope

In reply to this conservation:
Brennan Novak
@glennjones did elsewhere and identengine all get closed / sourced?
Glenn Jones
@brennannovak identengine still running the code for the elsewhere projects is on github - anything I can help with
@brennannovak leave it with me and I will get back too you once I have fixed it
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Brennan Novak
@glennjones that'd be aweseome! Thanks so much :)

In reply to this conservation:
Brennan Novak
@glennjones did elsewhere and identengine all get closed / sourced?
Glenn Jones
@brennannovak identengine still running the code for the elsewhere projects is on github - anything I can help with
Brennan Novak
@glennjones in anycase, we're adding various social profile gathering things to @MailpileTeam and wanna include indentengine in the list :)
@brennannovak @MailpileTeam that be great, I am looking into why it went down. I think I know why nodejitsu are having problems with the app
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In reply to this conservation:
Brennan Novak
@glennjones did elsewhere and identengine all get closed / sourced?
@brennannovak identengine still running the code for the elsewhere projects is on github - anything I can help with
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Brennan Novak
@glennjones weird, I tried it out and it all was down, then seemed to be working, then stopped again- NodeJitsu currently stopped 400 errors
Brennan Novak
@glennjones in anycase, we're adding various social profile gathering things to @MailpileTeam and wanna include indentengine in the list :)
Brennan Novak
Glenn Jones
@brennannovak @MailpileTeam that be great, I am looking into why it went down. I think I know why nodejitsu are having problems with the app
Glenn Jones
@brennannovak leave it with me and I will get back too you once I have fixed it
Brennan Novak
@glennjones that'd be aweseome! Thanks so much :)

In reply to this conservation:
Glenn Jones
Moved over to the web/chrome version of Tweetdeck a couple weeks ago after talking with @andyhume and @phuunet its pretty good
@MikeP_CRI as a techie that is dyslexia, I do wonder if anyone understands what I write. Tweeting at 8 on a Sunday morning does not help :)
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mike pattinson
@glennjones - move to Worthing no-one will know what tweeting means
Dan Thompson
Spotted Worthing
mike pattinson

Moved over to the web/chrome version of Tweetdeck a couple weeks ago after talking with @andyhume and @phuunet its pretty good
‐ Also on:
mike pattinson
Glenn Jones
@MikeP_CRI as a techie that is dyslexia, I do wonder if anyone understands what I write. Tweeting at 8 on a Sunday morning does not help :)
mike pattinson
@glennjones - move to Worthing no-one will know what tweeting means
Dan Thompson
Spotted Worthing
mike pattinson

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