
In reply to this conservation:
Tristan Bailey
@glennjones looks good just does not show up on my phone right
@tristanbailey thanks for point out the mobile issues with slides, may have to move from… to
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Glenn Jones
Wonder when people in the UK will start questing why we have NSA base in the UK… with 1,200+ NSA staff
Victoria Walberg
@glennjones Maybe @markthomasinfo could fly over again with a hot air balloon (and wondering why that isn't on the Wikipedia page)
@vickyjo loving the James Bond music… - maybe the NSA removed the link from Wikipedia :)
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Victoria Walberg
@glennjones :-) Wow, I can't believe that was 1999

Wonder when people in the UK will start questing why we have NSA base in the UK… with 1,200+ NSA staff
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Victoria Walberg
@glennjones Maybe @markthomasinfo could fly over again with a hot air balloon (and wondering why that isn't on the Wikipedia page)
Glenn Jones
@vickyjo loving the James Bond music… - maybe the NSA removed the link from Wikipedia :)
Jon Archer
@glennjones I heard it's to keep you safe from the enemies of freedom ;-) Too many people are half-blind to reality and/or naïve sadly...
Victoria Walberg
@glennjones :-) Wow, I can't believe that was 1999

OH: "Big data = teenage sex: everyone talks about it, everyone thinks everyone else is doing it, so everyone claims they are too."
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@benadida the best description I've heard yet! :)
Keunwoo Lee
@benadida that joke is making the rounds; also I've heard "...and the few who are doing it, are mostly doing it badly"
Adam J. Slagell
@benadida I'll show you my data, if you show me yours. :-) Works on many levels
@benadida @MarioVilas and those who say they are doing it, are really just playing with themselves at home?
Julien Grenier
Franck Berkowicz
@benadida @manhack "…and the few that are actually doing it are doing it bad" ;-)
Guillaume Bregeras
@benadida @manhack And more & more are doing it... Under armour at least

In reply to this conservation:
Jack Appleby
Plotting a splinter group of quiet-ones to head to a cosy pub and forgo the karaoke and dressing up work do on Friday evening.
@jackappleby keep me informed maybe back in Brighton later on in evening, don't fancy the karaoke
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Jack Appleby
Jack Appleby
@glennjones Me gone home but the rest still out @jameswragg @AlastairDigby etcs - try them if you're about.

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@glennjones, @hapijs looks really nice. but example in the slides uses GET to add numbers? "method: 'GET', path: '/sum/add/{a}/{b}'"
@djidja8 was not sure what verb/input type to use there, how would you have designed it? Went with get url as sum result does not change
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@glennjones maybe: method: 'PUT', path: '/sum/', config: { handler: handlers.sum.add, body: '{arg1: {a}, arg2: {b}}', ...

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@glennjones, @hapijs looks really nice. but example in the slides uses GET to add numbers? "method: 'GET', path: '/sum/add/{a}/{b}'"
Glenn Jones
@djidja8 was not sure what verb/input type to use there, how would you have designed it? Went with get url as sum result does not change
@glennjones maybe: method: 'PUT', path: '/sum/', config: { handler: handlers.sum.add, body: '{arg1: {a}, arg2: {b}}', ...
Tristan Bailey
@glennjones looks good just does not show up on my phone right
Glenn Jones
@tristanbailey thanks for point out the mobile issues with slides, may have to move from… to

Avoiding Digital Feudalism… How we must embrace experience-driven open & indie data to safeguard civil liberties.
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Javier Usobiaga
Aral Balkan
@htmlboy I am sure very few people who will be at the event tomorrow will see it (and it’s not a whodunnit) :) +@i_am_prometheus
Justin Troutman
Popcorn, check. Headphones, check. Video of awesome new talk by @aral, check.
John Kneeland
Aral Balkan
@SirKneeland I hope so, but I’ve got my hands full with this at the moment :)

Looking at writing UX, - anyone know other clean and compact editing experiences to look at
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Brian Suda
@glennjones is an early one that I used. Minimal UI, mellow sounds interesting inputs.
Morgan Roderick
@glennjones I enjoy markdown in my favourite editor, and a markdown preview app occasionally
Andrew Nesbitt
Paul Silver
@glennjones I use Bean on OSX, it's a free, cut down writing program. Not too minimalist, nice default set of information displayed
Andy Dennis
@glennjones Mou, Ullyses III and Marked (on Mac App Store) are all interesting. I'm keen to play with StackEdit too:
Jeremy Keith
Glenn Jones
List of surggestion people gave for clean and compact writing apps - thanks everyone for the pointers

Data formats: