
In reply to this conservation:
Glenn Jones
Going to demo at - looking forward to showing it, even though its still early beta
Paul Eustice
@glennjones How’s things? What’s transmat?! Also, a heads up - typos in ‘reuse’ and ‘digital’ on the site.
Glenn Jones
@PaulEustice I am fine, is a project I have been working on for last 9 months - post about it next couple of days
Dave Evans
@glennjones @PaulEustice You're aware that Transmat is the name of the techno label founded by Derrick May back in the '80s, right?:)
@PugRallye @PaulEustice also the name of a device in Dr Who for the transfer of matter, you have got to love whose two cross references
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In reply to this conservation:
Glenn Jones
Going to demo at - looking forward to showing it, even though its still early beta
Paul Eustice
@glennjones How’s things? What’s transmat?! Also, a heads up - typos in ‘reuse’ and ‘digital’ on the site.
@PaulEustice I am fine, is a project I have been working on for last 9 months - post about it next couple of days
‐ Also on:
Dave Evans
@glennjones @PaulEustice You're aware that Transmat is the name of the techno label founded by Derrick May back in the '80s, right?:)
Glenn Jones
@PugRallye @PaulEustice also the name of a device in Dr Who for the transfer of matter, you have got to love whose two cross references

Going to demo at - looking forward to showing it, even though its still early beta
‐ Also on:
rektide de la fey
@glennjones "collect and resuse [sic] your content"
Paul Eustice
@glennjones How’s things? What’s transmat?! Also, a heads up - typos in ‘reuse’ and ‘digital’ on the site.
Glenn Jones
@pauleustice @rektide thanks for the heads up, got by my proofreader
Glenn Jones
@PaulEustice I am fine, is a project I have been working on for last 9 months - post about it next couple of days
Dave Evans
@glennjones @PaulEustice You're aware that Transmat is the name of the techno label founded by Derrick May back in the '80s, right?:)
Glenn Jones
@PugRallye @PaulEustice also the name of a device in Dr Who for the transfer of matter, you have got to love whose two cross references

Googles Structured Data Markup Helper is interesting tool, shows you how to add metadata to html, but its selection UI falls a little short
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In reply to this conservation:
Network Error
@glennjones Is there a writeup anywhere of what you use for? I'm interested in finding out more!
@ntlk is about freeing my content. I have just built a new version, I will try write about in next few days
‐ Also on:
Network Error
@glennjones Let me know when you've written it! I'm interested in your approach. I'm currently trying to take control of my stuff online too

Just got stung on the lip by one of our bees. This is going to be painful. Teach me for standing in the bees flight path.
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In reply to this conservation:
Glenn Jones
Playing with #indieweb backfeed idea - automatic pulling replies/activity etc from twitter -
Danny Hope
@transmatapp Maybe Transmat could be called a sidefeeder @glennjones
@yandle interesting name, but misses the creation bit. Still not happy with transmat. Should finally be ready for beta testing next week : )
‐ Also on:
Tom Ashworth
Danny Hope
@glennjones “sidefeeding” is just my word for what Transmat does, rather than a name suggestion
Tom Ashworth
@yandle @glennjones Bottomfeeder. Indiesobropanion. Centralizr. e-Silo. #riffing
Danny Hope

Playing with #indieweb backfeed idea - automatic pulling replies/activity etc from twitter -
‐ Also on:
Danny Hope
@transmatapp Maybe Transmat could be called a sidefeeder @glennjones
Glenn Jones
@yandle interesting name, but misses the creation bit. Still not happy with transmat. Should finally be ready for beta testing next week : )
Tom Ashworth
Danny Hope
@glennjones “sidefeeding” is just my word for what Transmat does, rather than a name suggestion
Tom Ashworth
@yandle @glennjones Bottomfeeder. Indiesobropanion. Centralizr. e-Silo. #riffing
Danny Hope

In reply to this conservation:
Glenn Jones
Having fun playing Moves data and mapping it, I really need to get outside of central Brighton more often!
Martin Digon
@glennjones That is quite a disclosure of data you just made! A lot could be inferred from that map.
Glenn Jones
@MartinDigon did think about what I was disclosing, at this scale the image blurs exact location, no js map which can zoom, plus just moved
Martin Digon
@glennjones Possibly possible to infer your old street, and some may wonder about the obvious pattern of visits to Duke's Mound area. :)
@MartinDigon 'obvious pattern of visits to Duke's Mound ' LOL -people see what they want in data, coloured by their view of the world ; )
‐ Also on:
Martin Digon
@glennjones Whatever that attractor is near the Marina, it must be worth a lot of hiking up and down over Hanover! ;)

On the plus side Moves has provided good data export, time to start writing an importer into my own data site #indieweb  
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