

Sending a webmention reply Ben Werdmüller blog post nice idea
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Matthias Pfefferle

My Webmention plugin for #WordPress should be kind of stable now… Time to ping the #IndieWeb #Conversations from @eschnou, @Barnaby Walters, @Ben Werdmuller, @Tom Morris, @Will Norris, @Glenn Jones and @Aaron Parecki.

…and some <3 for Sandeep Shetty

In reply to this conservation:
Adam Onishi
@phuunet hey sir, I’m heading home, guessing you need to catch a train soon anyway! I’m in Brighton on Sunday if you’re around for a beer :)
Tom Ashworth
@onishiweb Hey! Sorry I missed you - ran out of battery :/ met Kerry & Jen tonight. Definitely ping me on Sunday!
Adam Onishi
@phuunet no worries sir :) will drop you a line Sunday when I know what’s going on
@phuunet Would love to, but house sorting to do before move, another sunday + @yandle @Dennisimo
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In reply to this conservation:
Glenn Jones
Got my blog importing my full twitter history with conversations, i.e. #backfeed
Glenn Jones
@cackhanded created an app that parses a twitter archive file and mixs the content into my other writings/data to provide a API and pages
@cackhanded yes hopefully in the future, will drop you a line when I have it at beta
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Mark Norman Francis

In reply to this conservation:
Glenn Jones
Got my blog importing my full twitter history with conversations, i.e. #backfeed
@cackhanded created an app that parses a twitter archive file and mixs the content into my other writings/data to provide a API and pages
‐ Also on:
Mark Norman Francis
Glenn Jones
@cackhanded yes hopefully in the future, will drop you a line when I have it at beta
Mark Norman Francis

Got my blog importing my full twitter history with conversations, i.e. #backfeed
‐ Also on:
Mark Norman Francis
Glenn Jones
@cackhanded created an app that parses a twitter archive file and mixs the content into my other writings/data to provide a API and pages
Mark Norman Francis
Glenn Jones
@cackhanded yes hopefully in the future, will drop you a line when I have it at beta
Mark Norman Francis

In reply to this conservation:
John Oliva
@glennjones Would you like me to take a shot at updating hapi-swagger and be-more-hapi to Hapi 2.0?
Glenn Jones
@joliva I will have a look at it in the morning, hoping the conversion to HAPI 2.0 is small, may well take you up on your kind offer
John Oliva
@glennjones I updated hapi-swagger and be-more-hapi to be compliant with Hapi 2.0. check for pull requests.
@joliva thanks for the push requests, got schema required() working again. Just fixing a testing framework issue and I will commit it
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In reply to this conservation:
John Oliva
@glennjones Would you like me to take a shot at updating hapi-swagger and be-more-hapi to Hapi 2.0?
@joliva I will have a look at it in the morning, hoping the conversion to HAPI 2.0 is small, may well take you up on your kind offer
‐ Also on:
John Oliva
@glennjones I updated hapi-swagger and be-more-hapi to be compliant with Hapi 2.0. check for pull requests.
Glenn Jones
@joliva thanks for the push requests, got schema required() working again. Just fixing a testing framework issue and I will commit it

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