

In reply to this conservation:
@adamyeats @phuunet I am going to be there, Mozilla Persona tonight at /cc @andyhume
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Adam Yeats
Tom Ashworth
Adam Yeats
Tom Ashworth
Adam Yeats
@phuunet Bums. Just checked my account and don’t have the funds :( I’ll have to meet you at the Skiff I’m afraid

In reply to this conservation:
Glenn Jones
Found my answer to AppCache and SSL issue we where having with Chrome… cc\ @jaffathecake
Jake Archibald
@glennjones as in, it will match "*", including the star at the end
@jaffathecake Are the URL matches to the exact path or in NETWORK are matches to any path that starts with the URL listed?
‐ Also on:
Jake Archibald

Found my answer to AppCache and SSL issue we where having with Chrome… cc\ @jaffathecake
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Jake Archibald
@glennjones note that "">*" doesn't mean match urls that start " ", it matches one single url
Jake Archibald
@glennjones as in, it will match "*", including the star at the end
Glenn Jones
@jaffathecake Are the URL matches to the exact path or in NETWORK are matches to any path that starts with the URL listed?
Jake Archibald

In reply to this conservation:
Glenn Jones
Looking a little project that needs a JS based code editor. Anyone got views on Codemirror vs Ace editor?
Dan Eastwell
@glennjones There's the very basic option of starting using contenteditable on a textarea..?
@maskingtape Good point, if possible I am going start with contenteditable/textarea and add the editor as progressive enhancement
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Dan Eastwell
@glennjones makes perfect sense. I found Ace very heavy and intensive. Contenteditable syntax highlighting: consider

Looking a little project that needs a JS based code editor. Anyone got views on Codemirror vs Ace editor?
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Remy Sharp
@glennjones we use CM in JS Bin. It has better browser coverage. Also new API very easy to configure and add features. +1 from me.
Dan Eastwell
@glennjones There's the very basic option of starting using contenteditable on a textarea..?
Glenn Jones
@maskingtape Good point, if possible I am going start with contenteditable/textarea and add the editor as progressive enhancement
Dan Eastwell
@glennjones makes perfect sense. I found Ace very heavy and intensive. Contenteditable syntax highlighting: consider

Blog post of take ways and topics of the Response Day Out conference /cc @Inrb0b
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Stuart Burrows
@glennjones thanks for these! actually came snooping to see if u had done a write up; this /cc isn't to me. I need an easier username :)
Glenn Jones
@lnrb0b Sorry about username. The audio of conf is already up… and video soon. Lots of blog/notes coverage on the web
Stuart Burrows
@glennjones no worries. Not been through your notes yet but I see there are loads of links-off as well. Appreciate it :)

In reply to this conservation:
Glenn Jones
@simnom HI Simon my girlfriend Katrina (frontend dev) is looking for a ticket. We getting them first time round glennjonesnet (at) gmail
Simon Bennett
@glennjones Sorry just spotted this from the brief moment I had the tweet up. Are you still after a ticket?
@simnom yes if you have a spare that would be great.
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Simon Bennett
Simon Bennett

@simnom HI Simon my girlfriend Katrina (frontend dev) is looking for a ticket. We getting them first time round glennjonesnet (at) gmail
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Simon Bennett
@glennjones Sorry just spotted this from the brief moment I had the tweet up. Are you still after a ticket?
Glenn Jones
@simnom yes if you have a spare that would be great.
Simon Bennett
Simon Bennett

In reply to this conservation:
Paul Eustice
A bug that got the better of me on Friday afternoon just got solved in 10 minutes. BOOYAH. A good weekend can really help :)
@jameswragg @PaulEustice "I hope its a fix for GJ!" I hop GJ is Guardian Jobs and not Glenn Jones. Not sure I want fixing : )
‐ Also on:
Paul Eustice
@glennjones @jameswragg Haha, yep don't worry Glenn, we couldn't find a fix for you :) JW - Yep, think Jack's on it. I'm just mobile now.

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