
If your interested in owning your own identity/content on the web then sign up for IndieWebCamp event
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Barnaby Walters
@glennjones btw there's an @IndieWebCampUK twitter account now, and #indiewebcamp tweets get pulled to the IRC channel. See you there!

In reply to this conservation:
Glenn Jones
Any brighton web types out for Friday drink @yandle @rem @andybudd
@Patrick_Sansom outside at the Wagon and Horses with Harry
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Patrick Sansom
@glennjones sorry can't make it. Got the order to get home! Next time bro...

Looks like node.js for windows is not there yet. Cannot get jsdom onto Azure… works perfectly on
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Yavor Georgiev
@glennjones jsdom is one of the remaining native modules that don't work on Windows, working on it /cc @gblock
Glenn Block
@theyavor @glennjones it works on windows now, there is a port.
Glenn Block
@theyavor @glennjones there is a version that does not depend on contexify which is native.
Glenn Block
@glennjones @theyavor it works fine via npm as long as you have node-gyp installed. You'll need to push the built module to get it on Azure
Dave Ward
@theyavor @glennjones @gblock Cheerio is a great jsdom alternative on Windows in situations that it does what's needed:
Glenn Jones
@Encosia @gblock Now got microformat-node working on Azure node.js hosting. Moved from JSDom to Cheerio great module
Glenn Block
@glennjones @Encosia great to hear. Been meaning to try out Cheerio. Jsdom does work, you just have to push the pre built binary.

In reply to this conservation:
Andy Budd
fancy a beer but everybody has scarpered. Any brightonians up for a beverage? / @yandle @rem @dennisimo @glennjones
Paul Annett
@andybudd Yup, moved stuff in on Weds, been unpacking and fetching kids from in-laws today. @yandle @rem @dennisimo @glennjones
@andybudd sorryover did a bit last night, another time
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Andy Budd

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